Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Right to Write

Yesterday I started reading (again) The Right to Write by Julia Cameron. It is a cool book and in the first chapter I re-acquainted myself with 'Morning Pages'. I first came across this tool in another book by the same author The Artist's Way; also a great read! Basically the idea is to write free-style for 2/3 pages. There's no set form or attention to punctuation, flow or even grammar. You simply empty you thoughts on to the page and in the process explore your thoughts, gain insights, rant, realise, dream, ask....whatever comes out! I discovered this technique about 12 years ago (I can't believe actually it was so long ago!!) and have played with it on and off since then. My problem has always been to try and write these morning pages in my journal and for me this hasn't always worked. I realise now that sub-consciously I tried to censor what I was writing which kind of defeats the purpose. In fact, that is the complete opposite of what morning pages are about. So, yesterday I wrote on my computer. I had a new sense of freedom doing this and my plan is to write for a week, review, maybe make a note of poignant bits and then delete! There's something quite refreshing about knowing I'm not going to cling to these thoughts. They are not going to be 'recorded' forever in a book somewhere. These pages are purely 'now'. Also, they are totally private and for my eyes only. Deleting them is a way of letting go of stuff, especially the rants and raves.
So, I will try this on! I will see how it goes.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Just beginning!

Well, this is my first ever blog! At the moment I don't know where I will go with this but it's something I haven't tried yet and therefore I thought...why not? Who will read it? Will anyone read it? Only time will tell and I guess the readership will be in proportion to the quality of the content!
Anyway, I have started this (purely selfishly) as away of helping myself to explore and experience more in my daily life. It is hopefully a tool that will motivate me to try new things, experiment with the unknown more often and in the process maybe discover more about myself. Of course, I want to share these adventures too although I do so with the slight trepidation of one who questions whether anyone will even be interested! Let's wait and see...